Greenscape were commissioned to undertake pond restoration works on behalf of a residential development project in Elmswell, Suffolk. Th project sought to restore a pond to be used as a great crested newt receptor pond as part of a newt mitigation project.
The team at Greenscape were tasked with restoring an existing pond which failed to hold water year round. The pond had been neglected for many years resulting in heavy choking of the pond by emergent vegetation and the ponds bank profile was unsuitable to maximize the capture of surface water run-off.
Greenscape removed the vegetation choking the pond, which allowed aquatic plug plants to be planted by the project's ecological consultants. The banks of the pond were re-profiled following the design recommendations specified within the English Nature (Natural England) Great Crested Newt Mitigation Guidelines, and through collaboration with the project's appointed ecologists.
The photos below show the state of the pond throughout the stages of the pond restoration project...
Pond re-profiling....

Pond instantly holds water...
9 months on and the pond still holds water and the margins are well vegetated...
Contact Greenscape to discuss pond creation and pond restoration on your site.